English Español

Ambrosio JiménezApril 17

There are three or four homosexuals in San Martín. One never works, and another makes mole [sauce] for weddings. The first one is paid ten to fifteen pesos. One is married and has a child. His wife probably does not know his condition (his sexual orientation).

Melchor GarcíaApril 20

The origin of homosexuality – When Christ was held prisoner by the Roman soldiers, they wished to do him harm, to wound him. But San Antonio de Padua was there and did not want the soldiers to do such a horrible thing, and so he offered his own body. When the Romans came, San Antonio laid himself on top of Christ, serving as a cover. The Romans wounded San Antonio, and since then there have been “homosexuals” (“chotos”) in the world.

The paintings of Christ for Holy Week (Easter) and the last supper were made by a homosexual. Homosexuals earn money by making huipils, kerchiefs, etc. Homosexuals and some women paint the cloth that people wear. The design costs four pesos.

Homosexuals act as intermediaries for single women who want to get married. The single woman goes to the homosexual man to tell him whom she wants to marry. Then the homosexual goes to the man to tell him this information. This is all in secret. Then the man sends an ambassador to the girl’s family, as is the custom. None of the parents know that the homosexual was involved (tuvo influencia— literally “had influence”). The homosexual does not charge her.

Silvestre CuevasApril 26

If two men walk hand-in-hand, it is not a sign of effeminacy.

RMLApril 29

Señora Fulano knew that her husband was a homosexual before she married him. Her father also knew it, but she married him because Señor Fulano has money. She sleeps with many men—the situation of her husband facilitates this.

~May 2

There was a party of ten people. There was a lot of talk and laughter about homosexuals. They wanted to know if I had had sex with (usado—literally “used”) homosexuals. When I answered that it wasn’t “the custom” (“la costumbre”) in my country, they laughed, saying, “But it’s the custom here!” (“¡Sí, es la costumbre aquí!”).

The boat of Ambrosio (1958)

Flavio SarmientoMay 2

“There are some boys here that don’t want to go to the homosexuals!“ (“¡Hay algunos muchachos que no quieren ir a los chotos!”). ‘Fulano likes the homosexuals a lot!’ (“¡A Fulano le gusta mucho los chotos!”). Flavio did not know if Fulano went to the homosexuals after he got married.

Ruberto JiménezMay 3

There are many boys who like to go to the homosexuals. Some start at twelve years of age. Some homosexuals want to have many visitors. The homosexual may only offer dinner, or his wife, or money as well. They eat dinner either before or after. If the homosexual offers his wife, he wants the boy to have sex with him first. A meal is provided because it is “hard work” (“trabajo duro”). There are 200 homosexuals in Ixcatlán. One reason is that the homosexuals, after getting to know one of their visitors well, offers them (the opportunity) to become a homosexual. This is done by ingesting an herbal concoction. The young men who live in the small villages (ranchos) go to the homosexuals in Ixcatlán. In San Martín there are seven homosexuals. So and so’s brothers, Fulano 1 and Fulano 2, have visited a known homosexual. Fulano 3 goes-- or went—to his uncle by marriage. He offers his wife.

There is a rumor that the two girls of the uncle’s are Fulano 3’s. The uncle’s son knew of the arrangement between his father and Fulano 3, but paid it no mind.

Awhile back the uncle sold a mare and a horse to buy a sewing machine. Now he doesn’t even have the machine. His son supposes that he has given all his money to Fulano 3.

Both married and single people (men) go to homosexuals. Most go because the homosexuals give access to their wives. The general attitude is that it is bad to visit a homosexual, but, come what may, yes, they go “because they like it so much” (“porque les gusta tanto”).

Women who are “hot” (“calientes”) marry homosexuals in order to have a variety of men. Sometimes their parents know that the one asking for their daughter is a homosexual, so refuse him when the matchmaker comes. Other parents don’t care.

Melchor GarcíaMay 5

Almost all boys go to homosexuals or have gone one time. There is no shame in going to a homosexual. It’s normal and fun. The boys who live in town don’t go to Ixcatlán, only those who live out in the country go to get a women or a homosexual.

The majority of girls who marry a homosexual know ahead of time that he is a homosexual. If not, and they don’t like him, then they abandon their husband.

Flavio SarmientoMay 6

Some, but not all, boys go to a homosexual. Even fewer go for an interest in the homosexual himself. People gossip (habla mal—‘“speak badly”) about those who go to a homosexual. Flavio says he hasn’t been.

Antonio Antonio

Fulano is a homosexual.

Arcadio Servin

Many boys visit a homosexual.

Silvestre Cuevas

“Yes, there are many that go to a homosexual.” (“Sí, hay muchos que se van al choto”). Some boys deny it out of shame. Some parents, if they find out, severely scold their sons. Others don’t care.