Camilo JiménezApril 13

Women are the housewives. They manage the money.

Leonardo RonquilloApril 16

When a man talks to his wife, he addresses her by name, and does not say “my wife” (“mi mujer”), and visa versa.

Grandfather – “old father” nahmih-estchah

Grandmother – “old mother” naah-estchah

Grandchild – “son’s son” ndi-ndi

Cousin (male) – “son of a brother” ndi-ntzieh

Cousing (female) - “son of a sister” ndi-ndichiya

Niece – the same as nephew, one could say tzaki-ntzieh “brother’s little girl” (“chamaca del hermano”) When a young person addresses an elderly man he calls him tzini “uncle” (“tio”), and for an elderly woman ndjukwunh “aunt” (“tia”).

Planting; the women distributing corn gruel

RMLApril 17

Women get water from the well early in the morning, at noon, and at about six in the evening. They wash clothes either in the morning or in the afternoon. They rise at three in the morning to make tortillas. In the evenings the family sits outside the house to chat, and the children play near their parents. I saw a young man with his wife sitting on his lap, the two of them clearly happy.

If there is a meeting the women rise at one in the morning.

Juan FlorentinoApril 21

Family members do not greet each other when they get up in the morning. Rarely one says, “My ___ (wife),” etc.

The mother addresses her son as “Shii!” but not “Di!” The father uses both terms for his son, and calls his daughter “Wife!” tchunh.

Silvestre CuevasApril 26

The father wants the first child to be a boy, and the mother [wants] a girl.

Women eat four times a day: when they get up (at three), at 9 :00, at 1:00 PM, and at 7:00. Men eat at 5:00, 9:00, 1:00, and 7:00.

Drinking corn gruel

Some people only eat three times, but in that case they eat ten tortillas every meal. Silvestre’s brother eats fifteen tortillas and two bowls of soup every meal; that is forty-five tortillas and six bowls of soup every day. Silvestre eats three tortillas, two cups of coffee and beans or rice. He eats less in the morning than at night. The mid-morning meal may consist of just corn gruel (pozole).

San Martín; planting, helping Vicente Zacarías, Flavio Sarmiento in background

~April 28

Men work in the fields and care for the animals, giving them food and water, while women are in charge of and help with the house work. Women cook, sew, and care for the animals.