Camilo JiménezApril 15

A midwife charges five to ten pesos for the medicine that she gives a woman. The charge is 20-25 pesos for their services. They do not wish to “be too harsh” (“ponerse duro”) because they realize that the family can treat them the same in turn. There are men and women who practice midwifery. Nobody enters the room where the woman is except the midwife, the husband, and perhaps her sister or grandmother. The husband puts his hands under the shoulders of his wife and then tightens and ties off a rope. The birth worker does not massage the stomach of the women. When the woman says, “Better to die!” (“¡Mejor morirme!”), she is usually given rum. The rum “gives her strength” (“le da fuerza”). When the woman is about to give birth, a part of her head becomes “as hot as a griddle” (“caliente como un comal”).

If the birth is greatly delayed, the husband goes to the shaman in order to try to discover who is causing this evil. It could be the fault of either the husband or the wife herself.

After four, ten, or thirty days the woman can return to normal life. During the first four days the woman may eat toasted tortillas, corn gruel, and toasted chicken (hen). For thirty days she should not eat ices, chili, tomatoes, beef, or turkey (turkey is “cold” (“frio”)). Nor can they drink rum alone. Many times women have given birth on their homestead [outside of a village], assisted only by their husband or even alone on the road. In this case women know what to do, biting the cord, and if there happens to be a ravine nearby, they go there and bathe before returning to their house. “They are valiant” (“Son valientes”).

The placenta is wrapped up and tied in the leaf of a banana tree—a leaf that is still growing, tender and fresh. The package “is planted” (“se siembra”) in good earth: level and humid. The husband or the midwife carries this out. The child should grow just as the banana grows and develops. It [the placenta] is buried away from the house because it attracts thunderbolts. If the mother dies giving birth to her child, the family adopts the child, and if there is no family, the father selects a woman whom he will pay. He gives food, soap, clothing, etc.

Silvestre CuevasMay 5

No one ever celebrates a saint’s day or a birthday.

Angel Florentino

Many people celebrate birthdays by giving a little fiesta with a dance, fireworks, and rum punch.

Flavio Sarmiento

Some people celebrate birthdays with a dance and mole [a special dish with fresh sauce]. The people who celebrate in this way are “those with good taste” (“el que tiene mucho gusto”).

Three Little Boys, Palm Sunday